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¿Cómo se producen las caries? - How Do You Get Cavities? - Spanish Teach your patients how to prevent cavities.
¿Cuál es la causa del mal aliento? - What Causes Bad Breath? - Spanish Share with your patients the causes of bad breath and provide a recommendation for treatment.
¿Qué es la gingivitis?& - What Is Gingivitis? - Spanish Educate your patients on gingivitis and how to prevent and treat this condition.
¿Qué es la placa? - What Is Plaque? - Spanish Help your patients know fight plaque between regular dental visits?
Absceso dental - Dental Abscess - Spanish Help your patients understand the causes of a dental abscess and how it is treated.
Aftas bucales - Canker Sores - Spanish Help your patients understand what canker sores are, their symptoms and how to treat them.
Ano Ang Gingivitis? - What is Gingivitis? -Tagalog Educate your patients on gingivitis and how to prevent and treat this condition.
Ano ang Mga Sanhi ng Mabahong Hininga? - What Causes Bad Breath? - Tagalog Share with your patients the causes of bad breath and provide a recommendation for treatment.
Ano Ang Plaque? - What is Plaque? - Tagalog Help your patients know fight plaque between regular dental visits?